Tublay, Benguet—On Thursday, June 24, 2022, John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC) conducted its tree-planting activity in observance of this year’s Arbor Day.
Specifically, the tree planting was held in two planting sites within Tublay Communal Forest Parcel IV located at Timoc, Brgy. Daclan.
Before the activity, the JHMC-Environment Management Division (EMD) personnel briefed the participants on a few reminders like being mindful of the growing saplings in the area. This is because the communal forest where the tree planting was held serves as a production site in which naturally germinated seedlings and saplings found therein are gathered for regreening activities.
Further, participants were informed of the conditions of the Benguet pine trees to be planted. Benguet pine trees are susceptible; hence, there is a need to follow its proper planting procedure to ensure the optimal survival of the seedlings.
Volunteers who participated in the activity included JHMC personnel, interns, and external stakeholders. Approximately, a total of 600 Benguet pines was planted with the collective effort of all participants.
This initiative for tree planting has been conducted annually by JHMC with the institutionalization of the Philippine Arbor Day through Proclamation No. 643 in 2004. Notably, this effort also conforms with the corporation’s environmental sustainability and development objectives as well as its duty as the primary steward of Camp John Hay.END